Hey all! After having quite the terrifying dream the other night I decided to start blogging about my dreams. Now I dream pretty much every night so I won't bore you with every single one, just a few that stand out!
The dream I had the other night was pretty horrible and weird so I thought it would be a good one to start with as I could remember it perfectly. Although I would say it was more of a night terror than a dream because I was awake in parts. So without further ado...
It was a dark and stormy night... just kidding!
It all started while I was trying to get to sleep and failing miserably, I kept drifting but not quite getting there, so I was awake but sort of between dream and reality, which for me Isn't usually a nice place. I was lying looking into the kitchen (I live in a one floor basement apartment) and I could see a figure on all fours, on the floor, seemingly looking around near the bin. Now I often have night terror hallucinations so oddly enough this wasn't actually that unusual for me so I just acted calmly and convinced myself I was just imagining it and I should just turn the light on to confirm my suspicions. Which once I turned the light on I realised were correct, the figure had disappeared. So I went back to sleep. Although I had obviously been thinking about it as I drifted off as I later awoke feeling as though someone was watching me.
I reluctantly opened my eyes and came face to face with a little boy stood, emotionless and expressionless at the edge of my bed staring at me. In fright I leapt out of bed and turned on the light expecting him to disappear like before, but he didn't, he just stayed there staring at me. So I freaked out and started yelling at Owen who was still asleep, all I could shout was he's still there, I'm awake, the lights on and he's not going away. But he didn't wake. The whole time I was seeing this boy all I could think was he's a robot, I know random but that's what I was thinking.
Suddenly I was woken up by Owen holding me trying to wake me and calm me down, it turns out I had been dreaming about the boy and shouting he's real, he's not going away, he's actually there, what is he doing there, why won't he go away. My heart was pounding, but thankfully the boy had gone and I had just been having a night terror again. It still took me a long time to calm down enough to sleep and be convinced the boy hadn't actually been there. It was terrifying!
This was one of my worst night terrors, I did have one a while ago that I can still remember which was pretty bad too, it involved a giant wasp... but I'll tell that a different time! Hopefully it will be a good dream I tell you about next time. Have you had any bad dreams lately?
Charlotte x
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