Hello all! I hope your having a good summer.
As you can probably guess from the title this is my first post of many on my 30 Days of Wild Challenge. Most of these posts including this one will consist of more photos than writing, which is probably making readers jump for joy as I can waffle on a bit! It was so lovely to be able to get back out into the countryside and go walking, I hadn't done it in so long, it was such a great way to finish my time at uni. Though there isn't much writing there are a lot of photographs, some have appeared in
previous posts this week, however most of them are new! I hope you enjoy looking at them as much as I enjoyed taking them.
The crazy eyes Cockerel makes a return! |
Scary! |
So cute... but possible head stuck situation |
Having a cuddle |
I took a picture of this just because I thought it looked hilarious! |
These sheep were awesome! |
Passing Geese. |
Such a lovely view |
We found some quartz in a bucket, bit random so I decided to take a picture of our findings, also my trainer is in there... |
Those awesome sheep again. |
Pretty sure this one was a skater dude. |
I'm just going to be honest here and say... Giant Mop. |
Having a bit of a graze are we... well let me photograph that! |
This just made me think of some kind of enchanted forest... Maybe there is a faraway tree! |
This may look pretty, but it was mostly nettles! |
Pretty and pink. |
I had to make use of the natural frame the branches gave this view. |
Archway. |
From far away this building looked like some kind of castle. |
Closer up it turned into something rather European. |
I tried to be a bit artistic with this... not sure if it worked. |
This tree just looks like its begging some lightning to come and strike it. |
This was actually right at the start of the walk, not sure why its way down here but never mind. |
These flowers were really really far away in some mansions garden so I had to zoom right in to take it! |
Head on of Bambi. |
Just a bit of an over the shoulder look back pose. |
Staring wisely into the distance. |
Why are these people photographing me... |
I was so pleased to get pictures of Deer, I always find I can never get close enough so this seemed like a real treat! |
So many lambs around... and a lot of sheep poo! |
No idea what these flowers are but they just looked so pretty and dainty. |
Close up. |
I've been informed that this may be a wild orchid, I just know its very pretty! I should probably get some kind of flower identification book! |
A singe rose. I thought the red looked really good against the stark white background. |
Beautiful dark tulip, when I took this I didn't realise there was a spider on it. It was only until I uploaded it to my pc I saw it. Bit of a happy accident! |
This flower reminds me of a pompom. |
There was a long stretch of walk straight through a corn field so I felt like I had to take one of these for perspective. |
This horse was quite unnerving because the whole time we were in that area the horse remained in the exact same pose, it was very odd. |
This horse was really friendly and came over to greet us. We later found a plaque saying it was a famous race horse. |
When I photographed this horse I couldn't stop thinking it's body looked like marble or something! |
Fly swatting, or getting ready to poo... I don't know and didn't stick around to find out. |
I named him Shaun. |
This field looked absolutely gorgeous and the flowers and bushes created a lovely frame. |
So there we are, my first day of wild and it was amazing! I honestly didn't realise Lincolnshire had such lovely scenery to offer. I can't wait to do some more exploring, and I definitely recommend taking this walk; the Viking way walk from Tealby to Walesby and back. Let me know if you enjoyed the photographs, or if you are going to take the challenge yourself! (Sign up
Charlotte x
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