Good Morning!
If any of you follow my
instagram account you will have noticed my using the #
30daysofwild along with various photographs of nature. Well I just thought I would do a quick post on what its all about and why I'm doing it, which will hopefully encourage others' to as well! Here are some of the things I've found during my first few days of being wild!
This is so cute! Although looking back I'm hoping it doesn't have its head stuck! |
Crazy eyes! |
Bambi! So rare to get such good pictures of these! |
There were so many lambs around! |
Gorgeous flowers found at the end of our walk. |
When I took this picture I didn't even realise there was a spider until i uploaded it to my pc! |
I love capturing single flowers, especially when the background blurs like this. |
I'm pretty sure this horse was smiling at me... |
This horse ended up coming over to the fence to greet us, and it turns out it's a racehorse. |
These next few shots were taken in my Mum and Dad's back garden. |
I love purple! And this flower always reminds me of Thumper from Bambi. |
I'd been trying to get a picture of the black birds in my Mum and Dad's garden all day and finally got it! |
So I signed up for it at the end of May as I thought It would be a great way to stop me staying inside; sleeping, watching TV or playing on the PS4 constantly now I've officially finished my degree. Plus I've always loved being a bit wild and I've been wanting to develop my photography skills so this seemed like a perfect opportunity to do all of those things, as well as explore Lincoln a bit better before I move back home.
So basically all you have to do each day is something wild, and the great thing about this challenge is, when you sign up for it they send you a starter pack with loads of great ideas in as well as a wall calendar to track your progress! Now you may be thinking this sounds really hard if you have a full time job or other responsibilities. However doing something as simple as going for an evening walk where you live or finding some wildlife in your back garden, under a rock or in a puddle etc. The possibilities are endless! You may discover things you had no idea existed in the realm of your garden!
I used to think I was a bit limited in the sort of wild things I could do as I live in a city, but after just going for a wander around I've found there is so much I can find! And photograph! I also love gardening and growing my own produce, which I have done in past years. But when I moved to Lincoln I didn't think I would be able to grow anything but after pinning like crazy on Pinterest I found so many pins on alternative methods of gardening that work great in cities! So I spent a fortune in Wilkos buying stuff to garden, I created my own mini garden outside the window of our basement flat. I even managed to keep the little Christmas tree we had alive! I'm honestly amazed they got enough sun, but some how they did! So there we go anyone can do it! Be wild in some way and it may completely alter the way you view where you live, and what your home is capable of growing and cultivating!
You can sign up for the 30daysofwild challenge
here. I hope you have as much fun completing it as I'm having!
Charlotte x
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