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Thursday, 25 June 2015

Outfit of the week #2 - White Floral Dress

Its really starting to feel like summer now! I checked the weather today and its supposed to be hot and sunny all week! Yesterday I spent the majority of the day in the garden practising my photography skills and reading. It was a wonderful day, and during the day I realised I wanted the outfit I was wearing to be my outfit of the week; my white floral dress bought last year toward the end of summer. Due to when I bought it I wasn't able wear it that much, so I was thrilled at the chance to wear it in the hot balmy weather.

Dress - Last years summer collection dress at new look. 
Hat - My Granddads (he left it by accident!)
Footbed Sandals - Next £20 (a great cheap alternative to Birkenstocks)
Watch/activity monitor - Misfit wearables, Misfit shine. Amazon £64.67

I had a lot of fun doing this shoot, all of the photographs were taken using a tripod and self timer on my Nikon D3100. There were a lot of mishaps; blurry images or me not being in the right place or too much light making me pull weird faces! The ones I chose were the better quality images, however I still think some of them could be better focused, and definitely better posed! I felt a bit more comfortable taking these photographs than last time, as there was no one around but me, however I still felt uncomfortable looking through them and editing them, hopefully like I've seen other bloggers say, it will become more natural.

p.s In some of these photos I tried my best to have a straight face, but as I've mentioned before I have a bit of a resting bitch face so I'm not really that mean... its just my face!

Charlotte x

Thursday, 11 June 2015

Going home

Hey guys, I know I literally just posted about how I'm going to be attempting everyday blogging, well over the next few days I won't be able to post because I'm moving back home after spending the last year living in Lincoln. It's going to be a hectic few days so I just thought I should post a quick notice/apology post. So yeah sorry about this but it's part of student life! 

Any other students moving back home this weekend? 

Wednesday, 10 June 2015

Attempting Everyday Blogging

Since finishing my degree and having more time to blog I decided to start trying to blog every day, I'm not sure if this will become a permanent thing over summer. I have absolutely loved blogging every day this last week and because I've not being blogging that often for the past few months I had a good amount of content stored up in my journal. I'm hoping I keep my creative juices flowing enough to post every day, and if not I will attempt to keep a good schedule going to blog around 3 times a week maybe more! So just a short one today, see you tomorrow!

Charlotte x

Tuesday, 9 June 2015

Last Nights Night Terror

Hey all! After having quite the terrifying dream the other night I decided to start blogging about my dreams. Now I dream pretty much every night so I won't bore you with every single one, just a few that stand out!

The dream I had the other night was pretty horrible and weird so I thought it would be a good one to start with as I could remember it perfectly. Although I would say it was more of a night terror than a dream because I was awake in parts. So without further ado...

It was a dark and stormy night... just kidding!

It all started while I was trying to get to sleep and failing miserably, I kept drifting but not quite getting there, so I was awake but sort of between dream and reality, which for me Isn't usually a nice place. I was lying looking into the kitchen (I live in a one floor basement apartment) and I could see a figure on all fours, on the floor, seemingly looking around near the bin. Now I often have night terror hallucinations so oddly enough this wasn't actually that unusual for me so I just acted calmly and convinced myself I was just imagining it and I should just turn the light on to confirm my suspicions. Which once I turned the light on I realised were correct, the figure had disappeared. So I went back to sleep. Although I had obviously been thinking about it as I drifted off as I later awoke feeling as though someone was watching me.

I reluctantly opened my eyes and came face to face with a little boy stood, emotionless and expressionless at the edge of my bed staring at me. In fright I leapt out of bed and turned on the light expecting him to disappear like before, but he didn't, he just stayed there staring at me. So I freaked out and started yelling at Owen who was still asleep, all I could shout was he's still there, I'm awake, the lights on and he's not going away. But he didn't wake. The whole time I was seeing this boy all I could think was he's a robot, I know random but that's what I was thinking.

Suddenly I was woken up by Owen holding me trying to wake me and calm me down, it turns out I had been dreaming about the boy and shouting he's real, he's not going away, he's actually there, what is he doing there, why won't he go away. My heart was pounding, but thankfully the boy had gone and I had just been having a night terror again. It still took me a long time to calm down enough to sleep and be convinced the boy hadn't actually been there. It was terrifying!

This was one of my worst night terrors, I did have one a while ago that I can still remember which was pretty bad too, it involved a giant wasp... but I'll tell that a different time! Hopefully it will be a good dream I tell you about next time. Have you had any bad dreams lately?

Charlotte x

Monday, 8 June 2015

Outfit of the Week #1 Mom Shorts!

Happy Monday everyone! Hope you all had a lovely weekend, and if you were working this weekend I'm sorry.

This is a first for me on Charlotte Emma, I'm doing an outfit of the week post! I decided to do it on Monday instead of Sunday, honestly because I had another post planned already for Sunday. However I'm now glad I did because it's the start of the new week and to me the perfect time to reflect on the week passed. (I know Sunday is technically classed as the start of the week, but to me Monday is).

I would just like to apologise for the distinct lack of photographs, I don't know about you but I find it very awkward getting someone else to take pictures of me posing on the street for outfit photographs, so there aren't many! Hopefully as I get used to doing this I will feel more comfortable, but for the moment you'll just have to put up with my shyness! You can probably tell from my photographs that I look a bit uncomfortable, and I know a lot of bloggers that take these kind of photos don't always smile at the camera, but I just couldn't help it, plus I tend to have a bit of a resting bitch face so I just look moody in photographs when I'm actually trying to look aloof or something!

 Yep! I really am that awkward!

I was actually talking when Owen took this, thankfully I look more natural without a moody face!

This was incredibly awkward to pose for! I just really wanted to mix it up a bit, plus I suppose it provides some humour which is good! 

 It was so windy! I swear whenever we get beautiful weather in the UK, its tainted with crazy gusts!

 (They don't have the same ones I had but the link is for some similar).
(Again they don't have the vest top online, but they may have it in store in the sale maybe?)
(They have a huge selection of Kimonos online, just not this one anymore!)

I actually bought these Mom shorts last summer from new look, but didn't wear them very often because they were a bit big for me. They only had a size 10 and I'm normally a size 8 but when I tried them on in store they seemed to fit alright. I swear this happens nearly every time I try on clothes, they feel fine in store and then, when I actually wear them in real life they feel completely different! However I thought in the spirit of summer I would try them again and lo and behold! They fit perfectly! I was so happy I knew I had to make them part of my outfit of the week, plus they look great on so that's another reason!

I fell in love with these shorts because they honestly do remind me of some my mum used to wear when I was a kid, they were only for walking around the house or sitting in the garden but I remember I used to think how great they looked on her, (This is probably the first my mum is actually hearing of this!). The ones my mum wore were actually just cut off jeans, which is what made them so high waisted, come to think of it I used to have loads of cut off's as a kid because my legs grew so often! This is one of the things I love about style, eventually it comes back around, it's just a matter of waiting. Although now I may never get rid of my clothes just in case they come back in style!

What's your outfit of the week?

Charlotte x

Sunday, 7 June 2015

30 Days of Wild Day 1: Walesby Walk

Hello all! I hope your having a good summer.

As you can probably guess from the title this is my first post of many on my 30 Days of Wild Challenge. Most of these posts including this one will consist of more photos than writing, which is probably making readers jump for joy as I can waffle on a bit! It was so lovely to be able to get back out into the countryside and go walking, I hadn't done it in so long, it was such a great way to finish my time at uni. Though there isn't much writing there are a lot of photographs, some have appeared in previous posts this week, however most of them are new! I hope you enjoy looking at them as much as I enjoyed taking them. 

The crazy eyes Cockerel makes a return! 
So cute... but possible head stuck situation
Having a cuddle
I took a picture of this just because I thought it looked hilarious!
These sheep were awesome!
Passing Geese.
Such a lovely view
We found some quartz in a bucket, bit random so I decided to take a picture of our findings, also my trainer is in there... 
Those awesome sheep again. 
Pretty sure this one was a skater dude.
I'm just going to be honest here and say... Giant Mop. 
Having a bit of a graze are we... well let me photograph that! 
This just made me think of some kind of enchanted forest... Maybe there is a faraway tree!
This may look pretty, but it was mostly nettles!
Pretty and pink.
I had to make use of the natural frame the branches gave this view.
From far away this building looked like some kind of castle.
Closer up it turned into something rather European. 
I tried to be a bit artistic with this... not sure if it worked. 
This tree just looks like its begging some lightning to come and strike it.
This was actually right at the start of the walk, not sure why its way down here but never mind.
These flowers were really really far away in some mansions garden so I had to zoom right in to take it!
Head on of Bambi.
Just a bit of an over the shoulder look back pose. 
Staring wisely into the distance.
Why are these people photographing me... 
I was so pleased to get pictures of Deer, I always find I can never get close enough so this seemed like a real treat!
So many lambs around... and a lot of sheep poo!
No idea what these flowers are but they just looked so pretty and dainty.
Close up.
I've been informed that this may be a wild orchid, I just know its very pretty! I should probably get some kind of flower identification book!
A singe rose. I thought the red looked really good against the stark white background.
Beautiful dark tulip, when I took this I didn't realise there was a spider on it. It was only until I uploaded it to my pc I saw it. Bit of a happy accident!
This flower reminds me of a pompom. 
There was a long stretch of walk straight through a corn field so I felt like I had to take one of these for perspective. 
This horse was quite unnerving because the whole time we were in that area the horse remained in the exact same pose, it was very odd. 
This horse was really friendly and came over to greet us. We later found a plaque saying it was a famous race horse. 

When I photographed this horse I couldn't stop thinking it's body looked like marble or something!
Fly swatting, or getting ready to poo... I don't know and didn't stick around to find out.
I named him Shaun.
This field looked absolutely gorgeous and the flowers and bushes created a lovely frame. 

So there we are, my first day of wild and it was amazing! I honestly didn't realise Lincolnshire had such lovely scenery to offer. I can't wait to do some more exploring, and I definitely recommend taking this walk; the Viking way walk from Tealby to Walesby and back. Let me know if you enjoyed the photographs, or if you are going to take the challenge yourself! (Sign up here)

Charlotte x