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Tuesday, 26 May 2015

Photography Practising With a Tripod

Hey! I'm so happy! I've nearly finished my degree! I can't believe how quick its gone, but I wont focus on that for this post I just needed to mention it so I could mention that my blogging should get right back on schedule in a week! I'm so excited to be able to post here more often, especially as summer is coming up so i thought i would get some practice in taking snaps. Now I've never used a tripod to take picture but I've been wanting to try it for a while to improve my picture quality and it just so happens I found my Dads (which I hope he remembers saying I can borrow it!). So when a break in the clouds appeared today I ran outside camera and tripod in hand, the light didn't last for long so I didn't take many pictures but I realised how much I love using a tripod! I honestly don't know how I took some shots without one! Anyway, here are a few of the snaps taken :) 

As you can see Jubbley (my cat) was the subject of most of my pictures today, I fed him a treat every time he did something photo worthy so he enjoyed the process to haha. That's how I managed to get him on the table; bribery! I love taking photographs of flowers but there was a distinct lack of blossomed or live flowers so I ended up taking snaps of just the one, I just can't wait to take more pictures on Wednesday while Owen and I go walking, sort of a celebratory were free from assignments! walk haha. Hopefully I will be uploading more in the next week or so, along with a post about the walk. Just a short one from me today but I hope you enjoyed it non the less. 

Charlotte x

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