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Monday, 2 March 2015

30 Day Morning Person Challenge

March has brought with it my Dads birthday (Happy yester-birthday to the best Dad!) and two new developments on the blog, how exciting! 
The first development will be the subject of this title, a 30 day challenge which won't be a permanent feature, but will be featured every week this month. The second development is going to be a monthly favourites post! which shall be a regular feature and im excited about starting it! However today's post is centred around the 30 day challenge, which involves me attempting to improve my current lifestyle (afterall this is a lifestyle blog!) by giving me more time in the day as well as hopefully improving things such as well being. 

I first got the idea for this post when coming across the challenge on prettywordsplease in which Judith (the blog's owner) woke up every weekday morning at 6 am. Now that's very brave getting up at 6 am every week day morning, however i don't think i shall be able to keep that up so I've given myself an extra hour and am going to try getting up at 7am every week day morning, i know its only an hour but because i like to get 8 hours sleep getting up at 6 would mean going to sleep at 10 which is a bit too early for me, 11pm isn't that far off my usual bedtime anyway so that should work well. 

I'm definitely going to need some things to help me get through this month! Just good old simple everyday things that help me wake up in the morning. 
- A cup of tea every morning! 
- which incidentally also includes me making sure my tea infuser is clean and ready every night before bed so i don't have to fiddle with it in the morning! (Or buy another infuser...) 
- Putting the heating on as soon as my alarm goes off to warm the apartment up ready for the morning ahead!
- A nice hot shower to really wake me up and clear my head!
- Going to sleep a bit earlier than normal. 
- Eating better to improve energy and sleep. 
- And finally Owen to help me stay on track! 

Yet i can still hear people saying... why on earth are you doing this? 
well i asked myself that question when i first decided to take on this challenge but i really think it will help in many areas of my life, also if it doesn't go as planned its only for one month so if i don't feel it has improved any aspect of my daily life then there is no need to continue it, so why not give it a go eh? 

Just to help me think more about the positives im going to do a quick list of what i hope to get out of this too, so if i really don't want to get up one day i can think about this and realise the positives out weigh the negatives massively! 
- Making more of my day - being able to get more things done that i enjoy as well as keeping on top of my uni work and blog posting. 
- Stop me feeling tired all of the time. 
- It has even shown to help improve health and well being, as people that wake up earlier are generally happier and more fulfilled than those that wake up later. 
- Have some time to myself in the morning to clear my head (it gets a bit fuzzy sometimes!) and plan the day ahead. 
-  prevent my being late a lot. 
- Prepare me for when i get another job. 
- Improve mood, being happier and stop me getting so grumpy and stressy! (which anyone who knows me well will know that can happen quite frequently for the simplest of things! oops!) 

There are probably many more positives that i have failed to mention, however those are enough to keep me motivated! So i shall keep you updated on my progress each week and i hope that other's may join me in this challenge! Let me know in the comments if you do and how its going! 

Charlotte x

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