Hey everyone! I thought it about time that I did another recipe post, and what better recipe to do than a classic chocolate chip one! Now when I say these are the best chocolate chip cookies I've ever made, they really are. That's not down to my baking either, its all in the recipe! So without further ado, here it is!

Recipe: (from Be-Ro) Here is a link to their website
Yield: 12-18 depending on spoonfuls.
- 150g (5oz) Self Raising Flour
- 25g (1oz) Cocoa powder
- 110g (4oz) Butter or Margarine
- 75g (3oz) Soft dark brown sugar
- 2 Tbsp golden syrup
- 110g (4oz) Chocolate chips
- 2 Tbsp Milk
- Preheat oven to 160oc (fan), 180oc (conventional), 4 (Gas).
- Grease 2 baking trays.
- Sift the flour and Cocoa together.
- Cream the fat and sugar until light and fluffy.
- Stir in the syrup, flour, cocoa, chocolate chips and milk - mix well.
- Place spoonfuls of the mixture on the prepared trays, flatten slightly and bake for 15-20 mins.
- Leave to cool for a couple of minutes, then place cookies on a cooling rack to cool.
I found even though it said 15-20 mins, in my fan oven it took about 10 mins usually, also I wouldn't flatten too much before putting them in the oven as they will become too thin and crispy (unless you like it that way, then go ahead!). I also decided I didn't want to include the cocoa in mine so I just left it out, I suppose you could have added an extra oz of flour but I didn't bother.
I really hope you enjoy these cookies as much as I do! And don't forget serve with a glass of milk!
Charlotte x